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Unraveling Network Mysteries: The Art of Reverse Engineering

NB author by Valerie DiMartino Jan 11, 2025

Unraveling Network Mysteries: The Art of Reverse Engineering
In networking, reverse engineering doesn’t mean figuring out how something was built and trying to copy it (like the German Enigma machine of World War II). It’s actually a vehicle to understanding and optimizing your network through automation. At its core, reverse engineering hinges on three essential concepts: network discovery, Day-1 misconfiguration identification, and creating no-code automation for proactive Day-2 protection.

Discovery: Peeking Behind the Curtain
Many businesses operate their networks without much of any grasp of what’s happening behind the scenes. This is where reverse engineering helps, allowing you to decode and decipher the features and designs of your hybrid network. Think of it as a secret decoder that, in minutes, reveals all the hidden gems—and pitfalls—within your network infrastructure. With this methodology, we can provide immense value by shedding light on the unseen complexities that often go unnoticed.

Identifying Day-1 Issues
Next, it expediates the critical task of identifying Day-1 issues by unveiling all the configurations for a set of devices. After our discovery exercise, you can visualize and pinpoint potential problems in your devices’ network configurations immediately. This step empowers you to act before misconfigurations escalate into major disruptions. Imagine being able to catch a potential network human error before it causes downtime—that’s the magic of reverse engineering.

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Protection Against Day-2 Problems
After we fix any Day-1 config issues, we can implement protections to enforce the network and prevent Day-2 issues. We achieve this by transforming the appropriate configurations into Golden Configurations, which can then be applied to other devices that require them. Additionally, we conduct automated checks to ensure compliance with these established architectures. This forward-thinking approach is vital for ensuring long-term network stability and efficiency.

Taking It to the Next Level with Automation
When I engage with people at tradeshows, I love to discuss how easy it is to learn what’s in your network and apply automation, without any scripting, through reverse engineering. Reverse Engineering is part of one of my favorite NetBrain Next-Gen platform tools – the Golden Engineering Studio, which allows users to understand and protect their network configurations and state.

How This Plays Out in the Real World
Imagine a map with four network devices. By tapping into the Golden Engineering Studio, users can instantly see their network design compliance from running scheduled Golden Configuration automation checks. Most devices show a green status, indicating device configuration compliance, while any red status areas indicate out of compliance devices. We can run auto-remediation to quickly apply the correct configuration to these devices.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Reverse Engineering
Let’s break this down further. To illustrate the power of reverse engineering, let’s take an example of checking NTP (Network Time Protocol) configurations. The beauty of this process is its simplicity:

Reverse Engineering
Create a Parser with Automated Parsing: Start by crafting a parser that targets the specific configuration you want to examine. In this instance, we focus on NTP server settings.

Add the Devices: Choose a network device that have the NTP server configuration.

Discover: View all devices and their NTP server configurations immediately. Then, select a representative device with the golden configuration.

Protect Configuration Across Devices: Propagate this golden configuration to all other relevant devices automatically. Then protect future devices with Forward Engineering by selecting a representative device and using it to create a template. Then, you select a device group to and apply the template to it.

The Power of Patterns
An unexpected benefit of this reverse engineering exercise is the ability to spot patterns in the configurations. For instance, we might observe that certain NTP settings are specific to devices in different geographic regions. By identifying these patterns, we can create dynamic variables that adapt configurations based on a device’s location. When you onboard a new device to that device group, it will automatically adopt the correct configuration based on its assigned region—how’s that for efficiency?

A Smarter Way to Network
By focusing on automating network discovery, identifying potential issues upfront, and implementing proactive protections, you can enhance your network’s reliability and performance.

So, whether you’re knee-deep in network management or just beginning your journey, remember that reverse engineering offers a roadmap to clarity and efficiency in your network design. Embrace it and watch your network transform into a well-oiled machine!

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